광주 물류창고청소 제한 시간 내에 깔끔하게 완료했습니다

Hello. It’s the standard of cleaning! It seemed like spring came yesterday, but now I’m heading for early summer when I don’t have any trouble going out without my outerwear and I think I’ll have to take out my short-sleeved clothes soon. Today, I’m going to share my review of cleaning and returning from the Gwangju warehouse where I’m busy without a break.The logistics warehouse in Docheok-myeon, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, which was entrusted with cleaning this time, was also a large acreage of about 150 pyeong.And the floor where the people who were carrying goods came and went several times a day was also dusty, so I thought the workers in the warehouse would drink a lot of dust. At this site, we had a huge cleaning of the floor of the 150-pyeong warehouse, the rails for transporting goods, and the shelves for stacking goods. Finally, the floor was waxed. Most importantly, we had to finish cleaning before the warehouse was open. So this cleaning was carried out overnight from 8 p.m. on March 24 to 3:30 a.m. the next day.Our cleaning table provides high-quality cleaning services through organic teamwork as workers and managers are clearly separated. In addition, all employees are composed of only Koreans and are operated directly from beginning to end without outsourcing at all. The cleaning table works meticulously with a sense of responsibility, with the intention of impressing all customers. In addition to home cleaning and office cleaning, we also conduct one-time sex cleaning, emergency cleaning, and fire cleaning, so if you need to clean up, please feel free to contact the cleaning table! Thank you.A logistics warehouse is a place where numerous products are stored and shipped out every day. It is a rail, and it is also a good place for old dust to accumulate on floors, shelves, and corners of warehouses, as people who work in heavy trucks come and go dozens of times a day.When I went to the cleaning site, the shelves and rails that filled the huge area were filled with dust.Finally, I finished by removing all the moisture from the floor and coating it with wax.First of all, I removed the dust from the rail. The dust removal was done three times in multiple operations. I cleaned it once with a mop, once with a hand mop, and once again with the last dry mop.This warehouse cleaning was a difficult site. First of all, the area was very large, 150 pyeong, and the shelves and rails that needed to be cleaned were also full of luggage. It would have been very difficult to complete without the teamwork because we had to finish cleaning before the warehouse’s operation time. However, our clean-up was able to complete the dust removal and finish wax coating within a limited time by sharing the work with accumulated know-how and teamwork.The floor also prioritized dust removal. We cleaned every corner of the room and did a second wet cleaning. We used water to clean up the dirt together.I didn’t miss everything I could reach and wiped it off carefully.

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